About ISBP

Jianping Wu and Rotimi Aluko
Co-Chairs of the Symposium


Interest on food-derived bioactive peptides is on the rise. Built upon our previous successful symposia, the first one held in Hangzhou (China) in 2017 and the second held in Valencia (Spain) in 2019, this Symposium aims to re-connect the professionals, after the pandemic, and to provide a platform that allows academia, industry and government to exchange ideas and share the latest knowledge and innovations in bioactive peptides, network and develop collaborations and partnerships among professionals in academia, industry, and governments, and, promote the growth and professionalism of a new generation of bioactive peptide researchers.

Focus Points

The theme of this year’s Symposium is Peptides from sustainable proteins, with a focus on 8 major topics dealing with

1) Efficient production of bioactive peptides
2) Biocomputation and AI in bioactive peptides research
3) Biostability, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability
4) Advanced analysis (including Omics) of bioactive peptides
5) Physiological mechanisms of action
6) Tasting peptides
7) Novel research directions on peptides (including gut microbiota)
8) From clinical evidence to consumer products.

We welcome attendees from academia, industry, and government organizations. Young researchers and students are highly encouraged to attend to showcase their novel results and new ideas, to network, and, to grow their professionalism. Niagara Falls, Canada provides a vast array of year-round activities for all, and, with 24/7 shuttle service, is located 120 kilometers away from the Toronto Pearson International Airport.

We are very pleased to welcome you to Niagara Falls, Canada. We hope you will enjoy your participation at the Symposium and have an exciting and profitable experience.